harnessing timeless plant wisdom – ‘bend don’t break’

London 8 June 2022: Designed to help build natural resilience in a changing world, The Herbtender® has launched a collection of natural wellness supplements to help you thrive. Formulated with ancient herbs and adaptogens that help people access their innate ability to cope with whatever life throws their way, the range harnesses timeless plant wisdom to support stress, sleep, fatigue and focus.

Modern life can feel pressured and sometimes just dealing with the day-to-day can seem overwhelming. Staying on top of our stresses isn’t a simple act of mind over matter – at any one time our bodies are dealing with a range of stress factors that could be physical, mental, emotional, biological, or environmental and life can feel like a choice between ‘fight or flight’.

Adaptogens have a natural ability to normalise the body, finding equilibrium whatever the cause of imbalance. These special herbs and mushrooms have each developed ‘adaptogenic’ qualities as the result of their evolution in harsh conditions – the ability to adapt is necessary to their survival. As a result, they possess considerable beneficial powers, from reducing stress and aiding sleep to enhancing focus, performance, and immunity.

Founders Mark and Laura Neville commented, “It could be said that we’re living in the age of anxiety, with ever-growing stresses on our lives. At The Herbtender, our belief is in the timeless wisdom of plants that humans have relied upon for thousands of years. We understand that acting in harmony with nature is the only remedy that really works. Our mantra is bend, don’t break – a daily reminder that the reed that bends in the wind is stronger than the oak that breaks – in stressful times resilience is key, empowering us to adapt, rebalance and come back stronger every day.”

Expertly formulated and trialled in the UK by medical herbalist, Schia Mitchell Sinclair MNIMH RCST, the supplements build natural resilience and include:

Rise & Shine – Morning Mix with Ginseng and Reishi

Powerful adaptogenic blend to nourish your vital force.  An energising morning routine that invests in your future health.  Specifically blended to support energy levels, focus and immunity.

Our physical and mental energies are intertwined and cyclical – we know a burst of exercise will boost our mood, but we need a positive mindset in the first place to spur us into action. Low energy levels can reinforce that negative cycle, so Rise & Shine targets both body and mind with a balanced blend of Panax Ginseng and Reishi mushroom.

Calm & Collected – Chill Mix with Ashwagandha & Lion’s Mane.

A moment of perspective. A soothing mix for when you’re feeling wired and need to chill. Specifically blended for calm and to bring you back down to earth.  

Ashwagandha is one of the few non-stimulating adaptogens. It improves the body’s resistance to stress and can help to maintain mental balance. Holy Basil is known for its antioxidant properties and was considered in Ayurveda to be a Rasayana – a herb that nourishes good health and promotes vitality. Lion’s Mane has been referred to as ‘Nature’s nutrient for the neurons’ owing to its capacity to stimulate the production of the Nerve Growth factors, which are crucial to the healthy functioning of the nervous system.

Doze & Dream – Sleep Mix with Reishi and Ashwagandha

A tranquil adaptogen blend to promote uninterrupted rest when you need to switch off and recharge. Specifically blended to help the body relax so you can settle for the night and enjoy a much-needed reset. Getting a good night’s sleep is a little more complex than simply dropping off – ideally, you want to fall asleep easily but stay asleep too. Doze & Dream is designed to help you do just that, by addressing both those sleeping issues. Ashwagandha, one of the few non-stimulating adaptogens, joins forces with calming Reishi Lavender and Chamomile to gently ease you into sleep. Traditional medicine favourites, Nutmeg and Passiflora, have been used to help sustain sleep for those who tend to wake in the night.

The complete range is available online: www.the-herbtender.com 

Prices start from £7.50 for a Discovery pouch or £30 for a bespoke jar with a month’s supply.


For more information visit www.the-herbtender.com

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