If you think it’s essential to have a big kitchen space to host a dinner, then you’re mistaken. Hosting is all about enjoying each other’s company, no matter the size of your home. There are many kitchen hacks you can follow to enable extra space and less washing-up time for the special day to run smoothly.

Wren Kitchens has revealed some tips that will help make cooking and preparing for dinner not so tedious. You’ll be able to transform your little kitchen nook into a warm and welcoming area that can truly get everyone in a party mood.

small kitchen
  • Plan your meal in advance – Make a note of all the appliances that will be used for cooking. Work out how long your main dish, appetisers, and sides will take to cook individually, so you can potentially save time.
  • Prep the essentials before the big day – To take the pressure off needing more than one person in a small cooking space, chop vegetables and marinate your food items the night before. This will save so much time on the day, and they’ll be ready to go.
  • Choose to cook from big to small – Start by cooking the most time-consuming parts of the dinner first, as this will save heaps of time. Prioritise the big tasks, relieve stress, and enjoy handling the simpler tasks.
  • Use your space productively – Make the most out of your kitchen space by removing any unwanted kitchen items. This will allow space for extra chairs, preparing desserts, and other smaller items.
  • Wash up as you go – To save space on the dish rack and the counters, wash your pots as you go along. Focus on the pots that aren’t too greasy and difficult to clean. If you have a dishwasher at the ready, continue to fill it up during the day.
  • Use sharing dishes – If you know your kitchen is going to be super tight for space, present your dinner in a shared dish. Guests can enjoy the food in one large dish. Make sure all dietary requirements are considered so none of your guests feel left out.
  • Reach for help – Your guests may be able to help prepare the starters and salads, enabling a collective effort. After all, it’s all about collective effort.
  • Cut some corners – There’s no shame in buying instant foods and sauces as they still taste delicious. Unfortunately, preparing your own sauces will add time to the clock, especially when you’re focusing on the main course.

To find out more information, visit here: https://www.wrenkitchens.com/blog/how-to-host-dinner-in-a-small-kitchen

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