In January 2022, with an announcement by the FDA, the Suboxone tooth decay lawsuit
emerged as a major legal battle. The lawsuit connects the scientific effects of
Suboxone, is a widely used opioid addiction treatment, for severe dental issues.

This blog discusses the scientific basis for how suboxone is associated with serious
tooth decay and other dental complications. All of these issues subsequently resulted
in numerous lawsuits across the United States.
What is Suboxone?
Suboxone is a medication that helps people stop using opioids like heroin. It consists
of two main parts:
● Buprenorphine: This component works on the brain to reduce the need for
opioids and alleviate withdrawal. Yet, it does not cause the user to feel high.
Taking more does not intensify its effects.
● Naloxone: This medication prevents opioid effects. While its impact is minimal
if taken as directed, it can prevent intense feelings of euphoria if injected. This
prevents the medication from being misused.
Suboxone is combined with other treatments, such as therapy, to help people recover
from opioid addiction. It makes coping with cravings and withdrawal easier.
However, its benefit is accompanied by a disadvantage. Its users are more likely to
experience dental problems. This side effect has sparked a wave of Suboxone tooth
decay lawsuit claims.
Understanding Suboxone-Induced Tooth Decay

Suboxone-related dental issues are caused by a complex mechanism that includes
both chemical and behavioural factors.
Xerostomia or Dry Mouth
Suboxone contains buprenorphine. It has a neurological effect on the systems that
regulate saliva production. This results in reduced saliva production.
When there is less saliva, the mouth loses its ability to fight off harmful bacteria. This
is because saliva helps wash away food and bacteria and also fights the acids produced
by bacteria. Without enough saliva, the mouth becomes acidic, which is harmful to
oral health.

Changes in pH and Sugar Content
Sublingual suboxone pills, the ones that dissolve under the tongue, sometimes
contain sweeteners. These sweeteners nourish oral bacteria. Excess bacteria produce
an excess of acid, which lowers the pH inside the mouth. This eventually causes tooth
Microbial Dysbiosis
A dry mouth and excess sugar can disrupt the balance of bacteria in the mouth. This
can increase cavity-causing bacteria. Since these bacteria thrive in new, altered oral
environments, the chances of tooth decay are elevated.
Poor Oral Hygiene
People recovering from opioid addiction may not prioritize oral health, so they may
not brush or floss as frequently. This can result in plaque buildup, which is rich in
bacteria. These bacteria produce acids, which cause tooth decay.
The Lawsuits and Allegations Against Suboxone

Patients have filed numerous Suboxone lawsuits, claiming that taking the drug caused
severe dental decay, tooth fractures, and tooth loss. These damages necessitated
extensive dental treatments such as tooth extractions, fillings, and even implants.
These legal claims suggest that pharmaceutical companies knew about the dental
dangers yet did not offer sufficient alerts.
The Suboxone tooth decay litigation has been consolidated into an MDL or
multidistrict litigation. This helped streamline the process and reflect the scope and
intensity of the concern.
The Impact on Patients
The dental injuries linked to Suboxone use go beyond physical pain and discomfort.
They have significant psychological and financial consequences, particularly for
people in recovery from opioid addiction.

One of the highlighted cases involves a plaintiff named David Sorensen. He claimed to
have suffered permanent dental damage as a result of Suboxone use.
The cost of dental treatments to address these complications can be expensive.
Additionally, dealing with serious dental issues can have an emotional impact.
According to TorHoerman Law, it is highly likely that defendants will be persuaded to
propose fair settlements to the impacted patients. However, no settlements or trial
dates have been declared as of February 2024.
The Response from Pharmaceutical Companies
In response to these allegations, some pharmaceutical companies have changed their
warning labels to include the possibility of dental problems. However, for many
patients, this action was too late. The legal battles aim to compensate victims. It is
also a fight to hold companies accountable and ensure better transparency and safety
measures in the future.
The Way Forward: Seeking Legal Recourse

Suboxone tooth decay lawyers are actively investigating claims and bringing lawsuits
on behalf of those affected. Individuals with worsened dental health from Suboxone,
especially before warning updates, should consult a lawyer. This will clarify their
eligibility for a lawsuit.
The Suboxone tooth decay lawsuit highlights an important issue at the intersection of
public health and legal accountability. It emphasizes the importance of
comprehensive patient education and strict safety warnings for medications. This is
relevant to those who use the drug to treat complex conditions like opioid
dependency. As the litigation advances, it will seek justice for those affected. It would
also advocate for systemic changes to prevent related concerns in the future.

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