Ex-special forces soldier, Jason Fox, is no stranger when it comes to opening up about his struggles with mental health and is now revealing the secret behind his daily routine which has helped transform his sleep and physical recovery.

The star of SAS: Who Dares Wins, explains how it was a trip to North America where his journey with cannabidiol (CBD) began “Back in 2019 I had implemented all these great pieces into my routine but it was still missing something. I didn’t know it was missing something until I went away on an expedition over to North America and did this big Yukon expedition where I and a friend canoed the length of the Yukon river that took about 6 weeks.

“Now at the time, it was in the summer and it didn’t get dark, so we were paddling 200km a day and just kept going. Sleep was odd, we were on the other side of the world. Physically, we were hanging from sitting in a boat for 15 hours a day.”

With his sleep pattern disturbed and body still in recovery, Jason Fox came back from the trip and was introduced to CBD by ex-professional England rugby player, and founder of health and wellbeing brand four-five, George Kruis. 

“I was very sceptical”, said Jason Fox, “George sent some CBD to me within a few days of getting back from the trip. At the time, my sleep pattern was screwed. I never slept very well before that anyway. I thought my sleep would be in a state for a while with the time difference, the routine that I had out there, and not being in darkness. I was all over the place.

“I got the spray CBD oil and started using it and within days my sleep pattern was back. Not only that, I didn’t realise I needed it. My Mrs said I was much more chilled out, my fuse was longer, and I was a nicer person to be around! I’m actually a better person from it and now I have it with me all the time. 

“Actually I have a little panic when I go to places like Dubai and I can’t travel with it. The speed of recovery from that trip, which was brutal, was unbelievable. I wish I’d had it on a few trips before that too.”

Jason’s three-year journey with CBD inspired his latest collaboration with fourfive where he is now an official Team player.

four five’s endocannabinoid system and CBD expert, Dr. Elisabeth Philipps, explains how CBD may help sleep,” The Endocannabinoid System is believed to serve as a link between the circadian regulation systems and the behavioral and physiological processes that are affected, including sleep.

“By supporting your ECS with CBD, you may find it easier to stay asleep, fall asleep and achieve a higher quality period of prolonged sleep. This works, not through sedation, as with typical sleeping medication; rather CBD could help the body shift from Rapid Eye Movement (REM) into non-REM sleep stages of the sleep cycle.”

Speaking of their partnership, fourfive co-founder and ex-professional Welsh rugby union player, Dom Day said, “I am personally a big fan of what Foxy has achieved in the forces, during his appearances on SAS: Who Dares Wins, but most importantly in the work he does to support people with PTSD and with mental health problems. With his genuine positive experiences of using CBD products and also his past support of fourfive, we are really delighted to have him as part of the team.”

George Kruis said, “Working with people that you like is always a bonus but to bring on board someone like Foxy who I have the utmost respect for, both personally and professionally, is a great step for fourfive. We’re delighted to support his ongoing journey with his mental health and PTSD and to help raise awareness in these areas. Of course, we’re also looking forward to putting him through his paces!”

Jason Fox has been using CBD since his trip back in 2019 and regularly uses fourfive’s CBD muscle rub and CBD spray oil. Jason said, “When I speak to people and they say their sleep is horrendous, I tell them – cold showers, fourfive CBD, and a decent routine and you’ll be away.”

Read more about Jason Fox’s partnership with fourfive on their website, or check out the new Foxy’s bundle which contains a CBD spray oil and CBD muscle rub.

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