The Brilliant Breakfast, which raises money for The Prince’s Trust, asks people from all over the UK
to host a breakfast from 10th – 16th October 2022, to raise funds for the leading youth charity.
Harvey Nichols, Leeds hosted their Brilliant Breakfast on Wednesday 12 th November for 25
customers to enjoy a complimentary breakfast served by their stunning Fourth Floor Brasserie. All
funds raised will help to support disadvantaged young women as they gain confidence and skills to
go into education, employment, or training. Guests included Siobhan Murphy (@interiorcurve),
Debbie Dobson (Head of Sales at Dakota) and the talented local fashion designer Rebecca.
The Founder of The Brilliant Breakfast, Annoushka Ducas MBE, developed the concept of a
nationwide breakfast event to raise awareness and funding for The Prince’s Trust’s Women
Supporting Women initiative, after recognising how many young women, particularly those from
disadvantaged backgrounds, need a lifeline to support them in education and employment; only
now exacerbated by the challenges caused by Covid-19.
The pandemic has further deepened existing inequalities, having a devastating impact on those
already facing disadvantages and adversity. Recent research from The Prince’s Trust found that young
women in the UK are disproportionately disadvantaged compared to their male peers*:

• Half of the young women (50 percent) agree the pandemic has made their mental health
worse, compared to 41 percent of young men;
• A quarter of young women (25 percent) feel like they are going to fail in life, compared to
19 percent of young men;
• Half of the young women (50 percent) feel more anxious now than before the pandemic,
compared to 39% of young men.
Annoushka Ducas MBE, Founder of The Brilliant Breakfast, said: “Over the last two years, we have
made a strong start at raising much-needed funds, which have helped over 800 young women gain
confidence through advice, training, and employment by raising £1.17m. This year we are more
motivated than ever to help vulnerable young women in the UK after a devastating few years, and
we are absolutely thrilled to have Waitrose on board as our Headline Partner to help us get more
people involved across the UK.”
Sally Lackey, General Manager at Harvey Nichols, Leeds said: “After meeting with Annoushka
instore 6 months ago and hearing the amazing work that The Brilliant Breakfast team does, I knew that
we had to get involved by hosting a Brilliant Breakfast of our own. We brought our clients together,
offered them dishes from our new beautiful breakfast menu, and opened up this important
conversation. We managed to raise a great sum of money in the morning and are looking forward
to being involved with projects going forward.”
To get involved and host your own Brilliant Breakfast and raise money for The Prince’s Trust visit Also, you can visit Fourth Floor Brasserie to taste their new breakfast
menu Monday – Saturday from 10 am and Sundays from 11 am.

  • Figures are from The Prince’s Trust NatWest Youth Index 2022

Delight Everyone This Christmas

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