Showing: 11 - 20 of 101 RESULTS

Rare glow-in-the-dark shark discovered in Cayman Islands’ waters

UK-funded deep-sea research publishes initial findings 3rd July 2023 – A rare gulper shark (pictured) and blurred lantern sharks that glow in the dark have been found in the Cayman Islands’ deep waters for the first time. The findings come as initial results of The Cayman Islands Department of Environment’s multi-year Deep See Cayman project …

How To Make Your Perfume Last Longer In Hot Weather

Expert reveals how to make your perfume last in hot weather, including putting your fragrances in the fridge   Nothing is more attractive than smelling nice, and with the long hot summer days in full swing, prolonging your chosen scent at events such as weddings, graduations, and proms is essential to feeling confident.   It …

A Beginner’s Guide To Successful Property Management For New Landlords

Being a new landlord can be an exciting venture filled with opportunities and potential rewards. Owning rental property opens doors to generating passive income, building wealth, and establishing long-term financial stability. However, along with these opportunities come challenges that must be navigated with care. Successful property management is the key to unlocking the full potential …

How to prepare to leave your home and car for a safe and enjoyable trip abroad

With many Brits looking to escape the UK and get away this summer, it can be exhausting preparing everything before you head to the airport. A sure way to ruin your holiday is by wondering if your home and vehicles are safe when you are miles away.   The best way to keep anxiety and …


 World Oceans Day on 8th June is a chance to highlight the important ecosystems that rely on the delicate balance of our oceans. In the Caribbean, where the sea is considered a key resource for both the locals and the holidaymakers who travel there, the Cayman Islands is making inroads to protect the archipelago for …

The Humble Building Society Leads The Way In Helping Would-Be Homeowners

With the news of Skipton Building Society launching a 100% mortgage, a first for lenders in 15 years, it seems that the humble building society is leading the way in helping would-be homeowners.   “For renters wanting to get onto the property ladder with good credit history and a 12-month track record of meeting rental …

Getting to the point of how acupuncture can treat so much more than just pain

The theme of this year’s Mental Health Awareness Week is anxiety. Experienced acupuncturists Martine and Natalie Vegoda (sisters, who co-founded London’s The Heathlands Clinic) are helping to ‘demystify’ the role and benefits of the ancient practice, highlighting how acupuncture can work as a wonderful adjunct to Western medicine, (relieving associated side effects without adding new …