Five top tips from Comvita® for honey-inspired skincare this Spring.
As the seasons transition and we begin to move into warmer months you may see changes in your skin. It is common for skin to become oilier causing pores to clog and spots to breakout. This is particularly relevant with unpredictability of UK weather as we move into spring.
Manuka honey has high levels of antibacterial compound methylglyoxal and effectively removes dead skin cells and leaves skin clear, so here are 5 top beauty tips from Comvita for rejuvenating your skin this Spring.

- Use as a topical spot treatment. After washing your face, apply the honey directly onto your blemish with a cotton bud. The amino acids in this powerful cleansing agent will help to remove dead skin cells and rejuvenate your skin leaving you blemish free.
- Use as a face cleanser. Diluted Manuka honey retains its antibacterial properties. Mix a small amount of water with your honey and massage it over your face for a few minutes before rinsing your face clean and patting it dry. This will help keep spots at bay by removing dead skin cells, preventing them from clogging your pores.
- Use as a skin moisturiser. Replacing your moisturiser with Manuka honey may sound strange, but this natural moisturiser is prodigious in combatting dry skin by creating an all-natural facemask. Manuka honey’s humectant property means it retains and preserves moisture, whilst going to work on skin elasticity and skin cell regeneration. Dampen your face with water or toner and apply a thin layer of Manuka honey for soft smooth skin you can really feel.
- Slow down aging. Did you know that Manuka honey can help prevent the skin from signs of aging? Using it as a moisturiser keeps wrinkles, frown lines and damaged skin at bay for years to come. This is, once again, thanks to the amino acids within the honey that make it a popular choice for protecting and promoting collagen health.
- Improve hair condition and shine. It’s not just skin that Manuka honey can work wonders on. Combining Manuka honey with your hair mask can have astounding results on the overall shine, volume and condition of your hair.
Comvita® Manuka honey was recently announced to be featuring in the nominee goody bags of The Oscars 2022; if it’s good enough for the stars there’s never been a better time to discover the power of Comvita® Manuka honey for yourself!