One in five Britons do cardio specifically to improve their sexual stamina, according to new research.
With National Sex Day approaching on June 9, personal trainer app Zing Coachsurveyed 2,000 adults to find over half of Britons have or would break up with a partner who lacks sexual stamina or flexibility.
Research showed that 52% of respondents think regular exercise increases their sex drive. The research also revealed 1 in 5 do cardio specifically to improve their sexual stamina, while 1 in 3 focus on lower body workouts, planks or kegel.
“Kegel exercises only take 30 seconds and don’t require any equipment — and have all sorts of benefits for both men and women,” — said Elize Kapaeva, certified sexologist at sex-positive dating app Pure.
“Start by retracting your pelvic floor muscles and hold them there for 5 seconds. To do this, imagine that you are pulling in and lifting your genitals. Do not hold your breath. If you count out loud, it will prevent you from holding your breath. After 5 seconds, slowly and completely relax your muscles, keeping them in this state for 5 seconds. Repeat the exercise several times and perform it daily at least 3 times,” — Elize added.

For men, Elize suggests trying plank thrusts, glute bridges, and hip thrusts. “These tend to be most effective for strengthening the pelvic floor.” — she added. “Try tensing the muscles you normally tense to stop urination. When the muscles are properly tightened, the base of the penis should move slightly toward the abdomen. The testicles should also be slightly raised.”
In addition, 4 in 10 perform stretching exercises to improve their flexibility during sex, while 1 in 5 doubles down on yoga or pilates.
Walter Gjergja, co-founder and Chief Wellness Officer at Zing Coach, commented on the findings: “It might make your muscles ache and your mind tired, but exercise can do a lot of heavy lifting when it comes to sex. It makes us feel confident and comfortable in our own skin, empowering us to find a partner and perform in the bedroom.”
“Likewise, it also releases all sorts of chemicals that are great for improving sexual relationships — dopamine that puts couples in the right mood for intimacy, testosterone that raises libido, and enzymes that increase arousal and pleasure to ensure needs are met,” — Walter added. “Not to mention it reduces stress, assists blood flow, and improves sleep quality. It’s easy to see why regular exercise is the perfect partner for a healthy sex life.”
And with sex offering all the same benefits as any other form of cardio — burned calories, stronger muscles, reduced stress, better sleep, and improved health — sex is a fun way to shake up your workout routine. 1 in 20 admitted they skip workouts on the days they have sex! Another 1 in 20 people count sex towards their daily physical activity quota.